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Motivation Madness


For too many of us finding motivation is a daunting task. Life often gets in the way with countless distractions, throwing us off our plans and sending everything into chaos. Others fail to truly understand what is imperative while stumbling through their day to day lives. Motivation Madness: How To Unlock The Hidden Potential Within You was written with all in mind.


Each chapter presents a methodical approach to staying motivated. Once you form a plan of action and discover your why, it becomes easier to avoid procrastination and stay on track. Being motivated makes the difference between success and failure, in everything we do. Motivation Madness provides you with the spark to become greater while changing the way you think.

The time has come to take back control of your life and make up for missed opportunities.

Beating The System 


There are stories that can reach into our hearts and tear at them with an unrelenting force and there are others, which delve deep into our subconscious and leave an indelible mark on it. Sometimes these stories come with an unremitting feeling of hopelessness and sadness that knows no end, while others deliver nuances of anticipation that there is still some good in the world.


Read his story, from an introverted kid who just wanted to have a normal life, to a well-adjusted adult making the right decisions. Beating The System: will challenge us all to take a deeper look at underserved children, and reflect on what we can do to help make a difference in others lives, all while simultaneously changing our preconceptions of the Foster Care System.

Ebook Version 

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